Like all great trends, styles come and styles go. Sometimes they even go full circle and come back again! Is this the case for the once popular social networking site MySpace? Can it be revived and redesigned to bring it back from the dead? 

Personally, I never used a MySpace account because I felt it was a waste of time and a portal for sexual predators to take advantage of young people! But unlike me, all of my friends during my high school years owned a MySpace account. I’m sure no one had any idea that it’d be the beginning of a social network take over. Unfortunately, MySpace just couldn’t withstand the test of time and lost the race against the very popular Facebook. 

Ever since Facebook took over the world, I really don’t believe there is a need for MySpace anymore. Even if purchased by a new company the site and concept is just outdated. I give the site credit as it did seem to pave the way for the new age of social networking, but with users consistently decreasing there just seems to be no real hope for a comeback.  Facebook can account for 40% of global internet users and was ranked the most visited site in the US in 2010; whereas MySpace was ranked 70th

In order to save the site, MySpace would have to come up with a completely new and innovative use for it. It would have to be entirely different from Facebook and the features it already has to offer.  MySpace would also most likely need a new name since even the simple name of the site pushes users away. These are all changes that would take a lot of creativity, money, and time; all of which I don't foresee happening. 

In the fashion world we can count on trends and looks being recycled and eventually reused. Unfortunately, MySpace is NOT following this lead and I imagine its end coming in the near future. Rest in peace MySpace, luckily fashion really never dies! 

Keep it fancy,

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