Life is a runway; you never know when you’re going to end up in a photo shoot!

The phrase “the camera is always watching” has never been truer than it is today. Facial recognition software is the latest “search engine” to hit the internet and is already being used by popular social networking website

I recently uploaded pictures to a Facebook album and I was in complete shock when each of my friends in my photos was already assigned tags (links to their individual profiles) without my input. Facebook’s facial recognition software already recognized their faces and tagged their photos on its’ own! I honestly could not believe how smart the software was. But then I started to think, is it really possible for an innocent picture of me on the internet give a stranger access to my profile account? Better yet, access to all my social networking sites and photo albums! Well, now I am scared! This is just the beginning of the potential facial recognition software has to offer us.

Google will soon be launching an application that will allow users to take photos on their smart phones, upload them, and access the photo’d individual’s personal information. Apparently, Google has had the means and software to do this for quite some time but hasn’t acted on it due to privacy issues.  To be honest, the launch of the app along with the entire software in general doesn’t really appeal to me. It could be an invasion of privacy and potentially even dangerous in regards to stalkers and those who have ill intent. Of course, Google is going to attempt to safe proof the app by making its users grant permission to the website before use but is it enough? Google is trying to assure public that they are taking a “cautious route” with the software but it unfortunately still leaves people weary. I am interested to see how far facial recognition goes and if it is utilized in the way the creators had envisioned it. 

Make sure your photo ready at all times! 

Keep it fancy,
Alexis Santiago

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